Lenape Park Master Plan

Project Description:

The purpose of the Master Plan is to assist the Township with decisions on additional land acquisitions, as well as guide the development of recreational amenities. The existing park is eighty acres, and an additional one-hundred eighteen acres has been acquired along with twenty-five acres being considered for acquisition.  A key challenge will be to link the existing park to the newly acquired land, now separated by a large riparian corridor.  Spatial organization will center off of a strongly delineated pedestrian core running from the developed portion of Lenape Park south to the newly acquired open space.  A variety of recreational elements are being considered, including creation of athletic fields, incorporating a major play structure, and a large community park space with an amphitheater.  Preservation of the riparian zones and other sensitive natural areas for environmental study will be thoroughly researched and considered, including a network of nature trails.  A pond is being considered as a recreational and aesthetic amenity, as well as a Best Management Practice for the site stormwater.  Our consultant services include site analysis, recreational need assessment, and preliminary layout and grading plans.  ArcView GIS was used for mapping and site analysis


Client: Township of Raritan

Location: Raritan Township, Hunterdon County NJ

Products: Park Plan Study